My name is Ashley. I am 17 years old and I attend school in South Florida. I have always been interested in the arts. From the beginning, I was always holding a paper and pencil in my hand and my passion to draw continued on with me ever since. As I grew older however, I became able to appreciate and interest in other aspects of art such as fashion, photography, film, and music. My passage after high school as of currently is unclear as there is many industries and interests to explore, but I will most likely search in places that allow for me to have a creative outlet. I was never one for overachieving academically. I of course did my best and got good or decent grades, but my mind was always focused on my own creative hobbies outside of school. In my free time I now enjoy photography and editing and creating many various outcomes. I enjoy being able to experiment with regular images and bringing them to life with simple tools and apps. As the person I am, this class has me excited to film projects so I can take control of all the aspects as if I was a real film director.
However, I do not like when only one person has control and say in a project so I will definitely choose to work with considerate and motivated partners. I will also have the support of my very cooperative and enjoyable friends to also assist me on my future assignments. The things I don't enjoy are things that are probably common and consistent with others as well. Probably characteristics such as bad attitudes, negativity and immature. I however always find my way around peoples flaws and try to cooperate with them no matter what, because someones "flaws" can always somehow be put to good use. I also enjoy working with those who are different from me so I can learn from them and improve upon myself, in turn creating better work.
So far, Aice media has been a refreshing class. The content we've taken on so far has definitely sparked my interest in film. We have looked into different kinds of camera angles, sounds and other aspects that go into film making. It has followed me home from school and onto my life outside of school. Now when I watch movies I no longer just see a story, but rather the bigger picture. I can't help myself but to analyze scenes and how something as small as a particular camera angle can affect the outcome of a scene greatly. What I think I find most interesting about film making is how many different industries and skills come together to make one film. There are people who contribute to each tiny little piece of one big whole. I am just able to appreciate the amount communication and teamwork that goes into film making because it is not always easy working with people who may have different opinions as you, but if you want to produce a great film you will always overlook your differences and challenges by working your hardest.
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